Big Back patch Cradle of Filth Gothic Black Metal band.

Big Back patch Cradle of Filth Gothic Black Metal band.

$ 20.91


28 x 11 cm.

11,02" x 4,33".

Availability: In stock



Product description:

Embroidered patch UK black metal band - Cradle of Filth. All patches are embroidered on thick felt 300 mg. I don't use velcro or adhesive backing. #cradleoffilth #cradleoffilthpatch #cradleoffilthlogo #patch #backpatch #bigpatch #battlejacket #englandblackmetal #blackmetal #blackmetalpatch #deathmetal #heavymetal #metalpatch #musicpatch l #heavymetalpatches #oldowlembr #embroidery #embroiderypatch #custompatch #customorder